Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So I haven't posted a blog in ages. haha. I officially love college. My classes are kinda ghey but I really like the people here. Oh, and I like never sleep enough. Haha.
The food in the dining center is pretty foul though, it causes gas like none other.
So I am running for Wing Reprsentative. And I have my speech tomorrow night. And I'm scared as SHIT. Public Speaking is hella my phobia. But I'm pretty confident in myself. Fer sho.
So I've decided that I might want to change the major. I'm going to take a political science class next term and see how I feel about it. And if I really like it I guess I'm changing to a political science/history major. Fer sho<3
I seriously love the new girls I met here.
And theres this guy... BUT you know. Haha.
Anywaysss just a little update for ya!<3